
Showcasing the spring/summer lines of Canadian designers Annie 50 and Body Bag by Jude

To quote Annie 50- " Inspired by the Fifties, the collections emphasize femininity and a taste for cuteness.  Often snug, cozy, and displaying classic designs of the era, the clothes attract a young crowd with a passion for Rock and Roll as much as a more mature crowd looking for originality and femininity."

The collection this season is definitely feminine with a nod to vintage country songs. Running with that theme, we paired everything up with our Frye boots.

Recommended before viewing collection, some classic Johnny Cash...

Okay....now you're ready:

If you're longing for summer to begin, this next collection is for you!
The other Canadian designer, Body Bag by Jude is a Montreal designer providing killer style since 1998. 
This collection exudes summer and everything associated with it- oceans, ice-cream, beaches, sunshine....( oh please let there be sunshine!)

Also- a little closer look at the pretty pattern on the Swell bolero-

Swell Bolero in dark denim
If you'd like to view these items on our Facebook pages, please check out these links:


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