
Pyrrha Jewelry

Hello Everyone! We have 3 big holiday orders of Pyrrha jewelry coming soon.
Each necklace has a symbolic meaning - described in detail on their website (www.pyrrha.com) so be sure to check out your favourite. A couple of ours we'd like to highlight:

For your bestest bud, your bff, 

Revered Friendship

In the Celtic world, forests were considered natural shrines. The dog pictured on this handcrafted talisman is symbolic of friendship and loyalty. Pictured together they represent a friendship which is revered and honoured. 

Next is your beloved:
Endless Love

This handcrafted talisman necklace features a heart encircled by an ourboros. This ancient symbol represents a primordial unity and bond that neither time nor change can break.

For mom:

This handcrafted talisman reads Non Sibi in Latin, meaning Not For Self. Pictured is a pelican pulling out its feathers for its young, symbolic of self sacrifice for the care of others.

 See below for all the other beautiful pieces we are expecting. If you see something you like, please call us or drop in to pre buy so you can avoid disappointment, and the shouda, woulda, coulda... If you don't see what you like and you wish to special order, you can do so for a very limited time- Nov 10th is the last day to order before Chirstmas, that is this Sunday.

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